
Wednesday, September 29, 2004

haha you are so right! physics was like ten thousands times better than maths! i'll pray like hell that i got a Merit for yesterday's paper : p as for maths, i'll pray for double digits.
(and i actually understood your ramble on entrophy, got interested by the egg thingie in Resnick and Halliday :p)

it's all over. nothing beats having 3 weeks of intense hell being over. but what am i doing? getting ready to apply this apply that. then after that, whee, back to mugging for the As. whoever said life wasn't monotonous : p

sixireon! you are all really the brightest star up there. no one single OG, in the past, present or future can ever compare with you all. you must bring along this star to somewhere in Bishan which you would call as your new ja`cosy : p

i'll be gone with the wind soon, into the encasement of the National Suntanning, and i'll be hopefully looking at greener pastures. (dang, this sounds like an obitaury)
for all of you, study study study study hard for your Promos! the first step towards brighter things, really. then study study study study hard for your CTs, Prelims, S-Papers and whats nots, and you will see the fruits of everything in front of your very eyes : )

life really isn't so bad when you can pull through the exams with a shattered artery. haha, so don't lose hope, and just go all the way. At least your truama isn't, THAT long this time : p

take care, and i'll whack away at my most incomprehendible personal statement. the gibberishness of UK >.<

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

No hockboon, we can't predict the future! (Quote: according to second law of thermodynamics, entrophy can only increase and not decrease. Knowing something means a more ordered state, hence we can't just knwo something like -that-)

Don't ask me. I hardly understand it. =)

Have fun mugging!

Monday, September 27, 2004

-jumps around-

whee! i just got like a single digit for math S!
and i failed f maths like a gay last friday!

who wants to punt on what's gonna happen tomorrow?


: s

piece of advice, don't waste your s papers. go for your lessons. if only i did : (
jia yous everyone's for your upcoming battle(s). i'll take a short rest for now soon : )

Friday, September 24, 2004

no worries. i'm not pissed. :)

good luck to all for promos. go get those S papers!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


day in day out this place has just been sleeping without any movement. too lazy to update for you also lah mike. guess now you have your own already.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


how assuming of you, ben.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

For the few who still come here, this is your exam timetable.

[All papers commence at 810]

Monday 4/10/04
General Paper 1 and 2 (half hour break in between)

Thursday 7/10/04

Friday 8/10/04

Monday 11/10/04
Further Maths

Tuesday 12/10/04

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