
Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Sixireon! Happy Lunar New Year!
I wish everyone here a good year ahead, blah blah, and make good use of this looooooong break. and don't forget everyone else = p

How was the day today for everyone? see that you all have your animated err comments on what happened for the concert today.. haha the dance was a personal favourite. haha it's just hilarious. = ) what did ya do after that? weird in j1 you're all onz about going back to your secondary school but this year my class did nothing and so in the end i spent the day at the neighbourhood library studying for SATs.

SATs suck. they are just so irritating that i wish i could go out and actually CELEBRATE on saturday after the stupid paper. haha, oh something interesting. i'm taking them at ACJC haha i'm so not wearing my uniform there. bahhh, but i can't celebrate anws. s-papers starting next week, ie need to prepare tutorials. arghhh, never mind. main, focus, now, is, SATs.

if you all can go settle your SATs as soon as you can. gets something really naggy out of the way. and start on your word list early -smiles- sorry, sounding dumb, but you get my point.

err, haha another night of gambling eh? eh huiling, is ben resonating with us too now? based on what you read in his entry? -rolls on the floor laughing- haha, okay nuff procrastinating. shall go mug.

cheers people
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