
Saturday, April 17, 2004

Hope everyone enjoyed the guitar concert put up by JJ and company. Oh JJ, could you re-arrange the right part of the blog? Seems someone messed it up. Could be me, but well, the gaps are not even.

Seems everyone's mugging hard for chemistry lecture test. Don't know why whenever I say I'm not a mugger Hock Boon gives me that look as though I've pricked his conscience. Must be because he's guilty of mugging, which is true because economics require alot of mugging, which is why only S01 people can spare even that 3 mins blogging.

Having my campfire later. The stupid computer in the RI library is 10hrs slow. Don't think anyone will want to come. The programme's not worth watching. But if you want can come join me at the spotlight control. Give me a call if you decide to come, though I guess I can expect to receive very few, if any, calls.

It's quite fun to bring tutorials for CCA. Only that since double maths is so slack I don't really have motivation to do them. It's high time to get into serious mugging, something everyone, yes everyone except me, has been doing since the start of the year.

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