
Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Hi all,

[this is an edited message]

Please ignore alot of non-OG-related stuff on the last post. Anyway there have been further changes made to the programme.

Notice is hereby given that the loyal members of Sixireon will meet at City Hall MRT station on the 13th of February for an OG outing. Time is 12sharp. Please DO NOT be late as Hock Boon has to leave at 6pm in preparation for return to camp. The previous sentence was not meant to be sarcastic in any way. Programme for the day: A surprise only the organisers know. Anyway, the area there has a wide range of entertainment centres (sadly, no LAN shop for guys) so we should know what to expect.

There will be an announcement made on that day so before you leave, kindly ask me/JJ/mel for the announcement details.

Hock Boon is kindly invited to turn up cos it's our first outing ever since the dinner on 4th Dec last yr and the 6-person visit to Sentosa (21st June I think). If you read this invitation, kindly RSVP. Thanks.

hihi testing =)
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